Thursday, September 04, 2003

Ehhhh... temperature went back down.

There is something called a triphasic temperature chart. Basically, it means that you can take your temperature chart and split it into three levels: The low temperatures of pre-ovulation, the medium temperatures of post-ovulation, and then high temperatures of post-implantation (when your body is pregnant and releases progesterone to begin the pregnancy, which makes the temperature go higher). In about 30% - 40% of pregnant women, there is also a temperature dip during implatation (due to a surge of estrogen) that precedes the higher temps.

My temperatures were nice and high in the beginning, right after I ovulated, which was a great sign. They were much higher than last month. And then I got a llittle dip, which I thought COULD be from implantation. But implantation dips only last one day, and my temperature really hasn't gone back up again.

So, right now my chart doesn't look like a typical pregnancy chart. =( It is still possible to be pregnant! But the chart wouldn't be a good indication... And, I haven't experienced any symptoms either. Kevin says that last month I had lots of symptoms (I was probably feeling crappy after my HSG test) and thought I was pregnant but I wasn't, and this month I have no symptoms and don't think I'm pregnant but I probably am. =P I hope he's right!

Also, thanks Mom for posting some comments! It feels good to have feedback. =)

One last thing, my step-Mom in Oregon is sick and has to take these shots of antibiotics through an IV every day for two months. It really sucks for her. =( Hopefully everything goes well and she can get this OVER with and start feeling better. She has felt shitty for various reasons for quite some time, and she really deserves a break from being sick! So everyone send her good vibes, please. =)

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