Sunday, February 22, 2004

Everything seems to be going well.

The HCG shot made me a little strange and dizzy. I was just very uncaring about trivial things... like work, hah. But that feeling went away after about a day.

On day 14, I experienced some pretty obvious ovulation pains, almost all day long, on both sides. So I knew exactly what was going on in there.

Now it is 4 days past ovulation, and I haven't really noticed any big symptoms. I have had some cravings for certain foods, but I've been trying to eat higher protein and lower carbs, so that is probably why I've been craving some things. Actually, my biggest craving was for dairy, like milk and ice cream.

I've been having a little twinge in my right ovary-area today. Should be too early for any implantation, but just a feeling worth mentioning anyway. No sore boobs or anything like that. Anything I'm feeling will probably be related to higher levels of progesterone than I've experienced previously.

Speaking of progesterone, I go in on Wednesday to have a blood test to check my progesterone levels. I know their much higher than before, but we need to find out if they're high enough (meaning, higher than 20). If they're not over 20, they will give me progesterone suppliments to help support a possible pregnancy.

If there are the beginnings of a baby somewhere inside of me, right now he is just a little ball of cells - possibly as many as a few dozen cells already - bumping and rolling along my fallopian tubes. Little fibers are back and forth, pushing my little baby-ball along, towards my uterus. I feel like perhaps I should not jump around or move too abruptly, so as not to send the little guy off course. Oh, but that's just being silly!

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hi there!

I posted something a few days ago, but it looks like it didn't save for some reason. Hmm.

Oh well. Anyway, as I posted on Monday, I grew three follicles (25 mm, 20 mm, and 19 mm). The OB said that the two smaller follicles would not trigger, but I've asked around a lot online and that isn't quite what other people are saying. Most women say their doctors say one that the HCG shot will trigger ALL follicles to rupture, but only mature eggs will be able to be fertilized. Some doctors say a "mature" egg is 18 mm, some doctors say 20 mm.

So, I'm a little worried about multiples. I guess the fact is that each egg has only a 15% chance to become a baby, and the truth is that I have additional problems, like the fibroids, but still I'm worried!

At the same time, I'm really excited. The PROBABILITY is that at least one, and probably only one, will implant. So, I have a better chance this month than at any other time.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Sorry I haven't posted for a while, we had guests and I've been pretty busy.

I took my round of Clomid, and didn't really experience any side-effects other than drowsiness. I took the pill right before bed, so it didn't matter.

The good news is - it worked! I have three follicles, one is 25 mm! So, I will get an HCG shot today to trigger my ovulation (and strengthen it) and start BDing tonight! The OB said that since the other two follicles are smaller (20 mm and 19 mm) they shouldn't be triggered by the HCG shot, so I should release one good egg. I'd rather not have multiples if I can help it, but of course I'll be happy with whatever I get. :)

I'll post again later...

Monday, February 09, 2004

We got the results of the sperm analysis back - everything is great! 90% morphology and 75% motility, and a pretty good count. Those morphology and motility numbers are REALLY great. So, we're of course very excited about that. :)

Tonight I'm starting my first Clomid round. I'm going to take the pill before going to bed, so that I can sleep through as many side-effects as possible. I'm very excited about starting it - I'd love to see how my body responds.

Since it isn't covered by my insurance, I have to pay for everything out of pocket. The sperm analysis was $39 (plus pathology fee, which I don't know yet), the Clomid was $35 for 5 pills, the HCG shot was $40. Then I'll have to pay for an ultrasound (probably $200) and one or two days of bloodtesting (probably $150 each). So, this could get expensive if this takes a few cycles. :(

Friday, February 06, 2004

Started my period yesterday. I'm actually happy about it, since this means I'll be starting Clomid in 4 days! I'm so excited! In a way, I'm excited about the side effects: cramping, headaches, dizziness, sleeplessness, mood swings, heavy period, etc. If I feel bad, I know it is working! :P

We also decided to get a sperm analysis done. We did that yesterday, hopefully I'll get the results in a day or so. I am kind of pissed off about the whole thing actually... I called and asked how much it was to get one done, because my health insurance doesn't cover it. She said $39. Great! So we went ahead and get it done. Well, AFTER we're done and I'm paying for it, the lady says, "Oh, they told you there would be an extra charge for pathology, right? $39 is just a lab fee." So I asked how much it was and she said it varies depending on who does it and how long it takes. What the hell? What if I get a bill later for $6,568? It could cost anything! They are jackasses. I'm going to try to stay away from that hospital if it is at all possible.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

So I got my final blood tests and everything... I still have a 'weak' ovulation, but it is actually a little better than the OB thought. I am ovulating, and all the hormones and everything are there, my eggs are just popping out a little too early.

I was thinking that she was going to put me on Metformin, which is a medication that helps with insulin resistance. But she said that my insulin levels were so low that she would prefer to keep me off of it, for now. Instead, she is going to put me on Clomid (the drug that strengthens ovulation) at 50mg (a weak dosage) for one cycle and see how that goes. We'll continue to do blood tests 3 times a month and an ultrasound to see the size of my follicles right before ovulation. If everything goes well, we'll do that for a few months, until I get pregnant. :)

If I still have weak ovulation, she'll up my dosage to 100mg and try that. If my cycle responds, we'll stay there. If not, then she'll try Metformin and Clomid together, which has traditionally been a great combo. She doesn't think I'll need it though.

She is also leaving it up to us to decide if we want to do a sperm analysis now, or after a few cycles with good ovulation and no pregnancy. I will talk to the clinic and see how much it costs... if it is around $100, we'll just go ahead and do it. If it is more expensive, we'll wait until we know that *I* am OK, and then figure out what ELSE is wrong (if we're not pregnant, of course!).

So, I'm really excited about everything. I'm happy there was no scary news, or anything like that. I was scared about the whole "Left ovary not seen" thing. It was kind of freaking me out for a while... could it be possible that I didn't have one of my ovaries? But today she told me that I definitely do have two ovaries, but the ultrasound technician who did my ultrasound didn't do a good job (and thought she found my ovary and didn't, or something like that).