Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Haha I like this one

Me: Wow, Finny, you're getting so big! I can hardly pick you up!

Finny: Yeah, I'm going to be as big as my daddy! Really soon!

Me: Wow, how soon?

Finny: In fourteen minutes!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Random Photoz

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Great exercise

Last night we were getting ready for bed, and once I turned off all the lights I realized I left the light on in the kitchen. So, I asked Finny if he would please go into the kitchen and turn off the light for me.

"Sure!" he said excitedly, as he loves being a "good helper."

So he strolled down the hall, turned off the lights, then once he was emerged in near-total darkness, became scared and ran quickly down the hallway back to the bedroom in a panic.

"Are you scared of the dark?" I asked, as he stood at the edge of the bed panting, eyes wide.

"No," he answered.

"But you look so scared! You ran all the way in here!"

"I'm just running for exercise."

Monday, December 01, 2008

That's a long time

Me: No, stay here, I don't want you to go outside right now.

Finny: I'll be right back!

Me: No, stay inside. It's getting dark outside.

Finny: It'll be OK. I'll be right back!

Me: I said no.

Finny: But I'll be right back in just a few weeks!

That's pretty cold

Me: Aren't you cold? You outside for a while...

Finny: No, I'm not cold. I'm just a little bit freezing to death.