Saturday, October 23, 2004

A faint pink line

So I haven't posted for a while... not much to say. I have had some sore boobs and stuff, but I could tell that was caused by the HCG shot. I have also had this full feeling in my uterus, almost like I was going to start my period, even though it is too early for that. It might be the progesterone, or it might just be a side effect of my IUI.

Anyway, so this morning, I took a First Response Early Result pregnancy test.

There was a very faint, pink line that showed up within a minute or so.

Now, let me take a moment to describe this line, and you'll realize why this post doesn't start off with "OH MY GOD I'M PREGNANT!!" or something. You see, the line was so faint, that it was almost hard to see. If you held it at arm's length, you almost couldn't see it. But if you looked close... there it was. It's so faint that one side of the line fades into nothing... though the other side is darker.

Kevin agreed it was there. He can confirm it, so it isn't like I'm making things up.

There are some things that you should know about my situation.

First, the test was read within the given time frame (they say that if you read a test the next day and it shows a slight positive, it is not accurate).

Second, I did have an HCG trigger shot which puts pregnancy hormone into my bloodstream. But, that was 14 days ago, and HCG should be out of your system within 8 - 10 days. Maybe I just don't disperse the HCG has quickly as others, and my pregnancy test detected some leftover HCG from my trigger shot?

Third, it is only 12 days past my IUI, so it's REALLY early. In fact, it was ludicrous to test! Insane! Mononic! But for some reason I did it.

Fourth, there is something called "evaporation lines" on pregnancy tests. These are spots on the tests where you can see some kind of line, but in reality it is just that you can see the strip of chemicals that react to the HCG. They tend to be grey in color. So, I'm pretty sure I am not looking at an evaporation line, since it is pink.

And now I must deal with this line. The faintest pink line in history.

I'm trying to prepare myself for tomorrow and the next day, and what those pregnancy tests will show. Will the line remain the same, or will it get darker or lighter? Will tomorrow be a happy day, or another nail-biter?

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