Monday, September 22, 2003

Temp went up today, which means I ovulated! It is strange, my temperatures for the last 4 days have been exactly the same as last month! So I guess I am pretty regular. And, for the last 3 months, I've ovulated on exactly the same cycle day each month.

I think our BD timing is good, though perhaps not as good as last month. We BDed on the two best days though, which should give us a great chance. Now I'm officially into the two-week wait, waiting to be able to test! What does this mean for you, the faithful and loyal readers of my blog? That means that for the next two weeks you'll be hearing of every slight symptom that I have that could possibly signal pregnancy. Isn't this fun?

We looked at the house yesterday, it was great! The second story isn't done yet, but there are more walls and the windows are cut out, so you can really see what the house is like now. I will try to get the pictures developed and online today so you can see them soon. We are still set on a move-in time of mid-November, but it could be a few weeks before or after that. Who knows!

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