Tuesday, September 30, 2003

Chart isn't looking so good this month. Temps haven't gone higher like they did last month, no possible implantation bleeding like last month, and no creamy CM like last month. (Remember, I think last month that I might have been pregnant for a few days, but it didn't impant properly.) So, even though last month looks like I didn't get pregnant, I sort of want my chart to look the same (except the period at the end!). No other symptoms to report, either. In fact, I feel pretty good today - I worked out last night and my allergies aren't too bad.

But, I looked at the chart gallery on the Fertility Friend web site, and I saw many charts that looked even worse than mine does this month, and they still resulted in pregnancies. So, as I've said before, it's not over until it's over!

Three more days to go until my period is due!

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