Tuesday, March 02, 2004

I posted this on a message board today, so I'll cheat and use it as my update:

For the past week, I've been SO depressed. Some of it is because I'm sure this cycle didn't work - I'd have symptoms or a positive pregnancy test by now. But it is much more than that! I'm at work now, and I'm on the verge of crying. I'm sad about my cycle, and I keep thinking negative thoughts about whether or not I will ever be pregnant... but I just feel abnormally sad.

When I'm super-moody from the hormones, it feels like the worst migrane I've ever had - but without my head actually hurting! Meaning, I feel sensitivity to light, noises and people's voices irritate the hell out of me, I couldn't focus on anything, I had a short attention span, and I wanted to just lay in bed in the dark.

I have really low hormones, that's part of my infertility problem. But, I think they are also the reason I've never really had PMS or bad periods or moodiness. I'm always perky and happy!

But now that I've had my first taste of strong female hormones, it is tough for me to cope. I keep trying to remind myself what I'm doing this for - a little baby of my own. But that makes me sad again as well, because I'm having so much trouble getting pregnant!

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