Tuesday, October 28, 2003

You see, originally I had chosen to have a black-colored roof on the house. I went into the roofing company and signed a paper with my color choices. However, later on, when I saw the garage door color (which was different than I had anticipated) I changed the roof and soffit colors. But, they never asked me to go back in and "approve" these changes.

The problem is, at the time they changed my colors, someone changed the "3-tab" shingles to "architect" shingles (the expensive ones). I have no idea why they would have done this. The only thing I can think of is that the color I chose only comes in architect shingles? Who knows.

Luckily, I still have the paper that shows where I signed for the cheap shingles, and it is obvious someone crossed it off later on. So, it looks like I won't have to pay.

Out of the kindness of our hearts, we said we would allow them to leave the expensive shingles on the house so they didn't have to remove them. =)

Nothing else going on... talk to you tomorrow!

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